

Sit and contemplate whatever comes to mind. Let a movie play in your mind about whatever comes to mind. If you’re having trouble getting the movie to play, add details to the scene. What objects make up the space? Where there are blanks fill it in. Who’s there? What people, plants, or animals might join you in the envisioned environment? Is there any weather happening? Can you feel the sun on your face or see clouds out the window? What about temperature, humidity, and wind? Are there any smells in the air? Listen to the sounds. Who or what are making them?

Once I’ve filled my scene with more detail I find that things start to happen. The robin in the tree has something to fly down to now that I placed a white marble birdbath in the center of the clearing of the oak grove. Then I watch to see what’s going to happen next. I find the movies have to loop through like imaginary animated GIFs. Once I’ve watched them through a few times, I feel I’ve gotten all of the important details. If nothing more happens, examine the scene again and notice which details stand out to you. Zoom in and examine it up close. It’s just a vision, so feel free to fly around in the scene and take if in from different angles. Zoom way far out or zoom all the way into the tiniest detail.

You can ask the people, animals, plants, landscapes, and objects in the scene if they have any messages for you. As random and weird as it might seem to ask the bronze-plated banana sculpture what it has to say to you, there usually is one in it. Each element of the scene is there because of some prior association. They all have history specific to you. Of all of the animals you could’ve chosen, why a kangaroo/ Of all the people, why your sixth-grade science teacher with the mischievous sense of humor? You put them in the scene. Why? Get curious and poke around.

You can’t “do” this wrong except by over-thinking it. The thing that pops into your mind is the right thing. If something pops into the image, even if you don’t like it, keep it there. If it doesn’t make sense, keep it there. If it brings up unpleasant sensations, keep it there. These are often the deepest and most important lessons.

I find patience is the hardest lesson. The vision might seem… wee rather boring. Not enough is happening. Nothing makes sense. My temptation is to check out after only a couple of minutes instead of engaging with it. I often feel like I’m not going to be able to make any sense out of the visual. As many times as I’ve done intuitive guidance, this fear still grips me sometimes. It’s all natural. Breathe through the fear. Let your mind wander. It’s okay if your thoughts drift off to some other place. Bring them back and see if anything else came up.

I find drawing my visions holds my mind in the scene without forcing it to make meaning. As I’m drawing, the meaning floats in. Notice: what’s your body’s reaction

Is to the scene. Stay with those feelings and body sensations. See if you can identify what emotion they are. While you’re getting clarity you may see more of the movie unroll before your eyes. Bringing greater clarity and awareness sometimes triggers the next series of events in the vision to occur. If not, that’s okay too. Don’t beat yourself up if your vision doesn’t seem cool enough or profound enough. Simple images and messages are a gift for their clarity.