Templo del Sonido
We gather, creating deep listening and encouraging sound to arise internally and collectively. Some describe it as part ecstatic dance, part trauma healing, and part sound ceremony. Vital Kundalini energy rises with our voices, breath, and embodiment. Activate and awaken your throat chakra.
If you have rattles, drums, sound makers, please bring them. No prior musical experience or skill is needed.
Bring a blanket and yoga mat, whatever you need to feel comfy. We probably will be up moving, but you'll want this for the closing rest phase.
About Cris
Since she was 15, Cris has been using her voice and instruments to connect with energies and emotions to bring about healing. In the Christian church she grew up in, they called it connecting with the Holy Ghost. After a decade of throwing out the baby with the bath water, she slowly picked up all the pieces of the powerful skills she learned there. She offers them here in a non-religious, yet deeply spiritual context.
Cris helps people to open their voice and bodies to feel more, both the greater depth and more subtle sensation as well. These experiences lead us inward to our home and to our essence. They connect us outward to others in ceremony bonding to hold the space together.
Cris is a former tech exec who burned out, and then turned her laser focus to practices which reconnect heart, body and mind. She’s trained in Emotional Freedom Technique, Hatha Yogic Tantra, and has done workshops in trauma release with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score and Dr. Peter Levine. She incorporates sound healing, Enneagram, Human Design, and astrology to assist people in creating permanent, dramatic transformations for themselves.
Saturday the 30th of April 3-8pm for a special New Moon edition
We gather again at the Templo del Sonido in San Felipe to free our voices. This is a space of sound healing where I’m not the performer and you’re not the audience. This is a space to open our throats and improvise together. The invitation here is simple – be yourself in a room with others being themselves. It’s an exquisite listening, attuning, and noticing the impact you have on the amoeba of sound we create together.
We have a super collider of astrological events happening 30th of April with Venus, the feminine representative of what we open up to receive, at her degree of greatest shining of the entire year. She's conjunct Neptune which dissolves all it touches AND Jupiter, expander of all it touches. Just when everything gets juicy, the lights flicker out on that day with a lunar eclipse in Taurus... and it gets a little spooky. The cosmic dustpan appears to clear the crumbs of whatever's been falling apart in the last weeks.
DM me for details and location
Our Location
San Felipe
Oaxaca, Mexico